Techonomy Detroit

On September 16th, Techonomy returns to Detroit for the third annual Techonomy Detroit conference. They will continue their series of conversations  on how technology can boost U.S. economic growth, job creation and urban revival.

Techonomy Detroit brings together leaders and thinkers from business, technology, government and academia to better understand how to move the U.S., and the world, into an urbanized, technologized, inclusive future.

Detroit’s travails symbolize issues faced by many American cities and to some extent the entire country. But this is also a city energetically seeking to revive itself. The birthplace of assembly-line manufacturing and technologized transportation, Detroit was once the innovation engine of the U.S. economy. There is no better place for a conversation on how our national priorities must change in a technologized economy. And as we have seen in the past two years, the Detroit community is committed to creative problem solving in ways few outsiders can appreciate. Extraordinary energies and opportunities are being unleashed.

Learn more or register here


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