NEIdeas Challenge Info Session @ Matrix Center

Join the NEIdeas outreach manager James Feagin at The Matrix Center to learn more about the NEIdeas Business Challenge. Come and learn what businesses are applicable, who will be available to help, and what the NEIdeas Challenge can do for you, your neighborhood, and your business. Light refreshments will be served.

Please call (844) NEI-deas with questions


  1. Charlotte Knight
    Apr. 30, 2014
    this is an excellent program. It will help businesses expand and provide addtional services to our clients.
  2. Felicia Patrick
    Apr. 28, 2014
    Thanks for giving small business the opportunity to grow!!!!!!!
  3. Bud
    Apr. 21, 2014
    Why wouldn't any small business in the area want to at least give this a try? Thanks, NEI, for all you do for businesses in our community.
  4. Dale Hayes
    Apr. 16, 2014
    By me being in road construction and building in Detroit I'm trying to open up a facility to train Detroit residents how to operate gravel trains and operate heavy equipment ghrre are a lot of contractors coming in the city and thry have yo use Detroits residents these oppunitunties makes it easier for residents to find employment
  5. Octavia
    Apr. 16, 2014
    This is an awesome opportunity. Thank u!
  6. Octavia
    Apr. 16, 2014
    This is such a great and awesome opportunity! Thank you.
  7. Octavia
    Apr. 16, 2014
    How awesome is this opportunity??!!?
  8. Skyline Outreach
    Apr. 16, 2014
    We are a 501c3 for homeless people. We would need your assistance with our programs.

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